
Showing posts from January, 2020

When the Bully Gets Disciplined

When the Bully Gets Disciplined By Dominic Brogsdale Dedicated to the children who took their lives and the families who lost lives due to bullying. “Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.” (Proverbs 13:24) “Six-year-old girl commits suicide in US” (Deccan Herald article) The last couple days, we had heard he got his head shoved into a wall locker. Some kids told him to go hang himself, that he was worthless; and, I think he got to the point where enough was enough.” (David Long, father of Tyler Long who committed suicide at 17 years old due to bullying. Retrieved from The Bully Project. ) “They made it very clear that I wasn’t welcome here at school. When I opened my locker there was a note that said, “Faggots aren’t welcomed here.” The teacher was calling role and said, ‘Boys,’ and then he said, ‘Girls,’ and paused and said, ‘Kelby.’ Another teacher told me ho...